Experience Summary
May 2022 - Chief Technology Officer, Startup(s)
2019 - 2022: Managing Director (Machine Learning and Engineering)
2016-2019 : Data Science Leader at Google.
2004-2016 : Director/Principal at Microsoft
1993-2004 : Architect and engineering lead in consulting companies.
I am building Data products. My team includes - Data Scientists,
Machine Learning Engineers, Full stack developers, data engineers,
product managers and architects.
Prior to Pluto7/startup(s) I worked as Managing Director for Machine
Learning & Engineering. I built transformative machine learning
products, data products and analytics solutions.
Prior to joining JP Morgan Chase, I led data science initiatives
at Google. I played a key role in Google Kaggle acquisition and
architected how data science competitions can be run on highly
confidential data on Google Cloud.
At Microsoft, I worked on Azure ML, Bing, and SQL Server
products. While working for bing.com I built an Audience intelligence
platform for Microsoft. Audience intelligence platform is used for
Behavioral Targeting on all Microsoft properties such as bing.com,
msn.com, Hotmail, etc.
I wrote a book on SQL Server and a chapter on machine learning in
NOAA book.
I also have expertise in handling data privacy, governance,
differential privacy, cyber security, and applying machine learning for
Displaying content on multiple web
Event based Ad Targeting
user/audience data. I have certification in handling data privacy and
differential privacy.
Products Built:
Build Chatbot for Tax and Financial Planning.
Build AI solutions on GCP including forecasting and demand sensing.
Built data products such as Earning Call, Stock Signals, NLP-SQL.
Delivered transformative machine learning use cases across the firm.
Provided thought leadership and delivered innovative products.
Examples of use cases:
Acted as head of the Machine Learning practice in the USA and Canada.
Led many data science initiatives including the Google-Kaggle acquisition.
Examples of projects:
Worked on Bing Machine Learning, Azure Machine Learning, and SQL Server.
Key projects:
Architected various solutions for clients including Halifax Bank and Bank of Scotland.
Led development of NSPIS and various customer projects.
Worked on testing of Fortran compiler.
A comprehensive study on advanced methods for classifying emails, focusing on improving accuracy and efficiency.
An exploration of tools and techniques for working with SQL Server Compact Edition, including optimization strategies and practical applications.
A research paper on utilizing machine learning techniques for estimating streamflow in hydrology, focusing on enhancing prediction models.
A detailed study on summarizing earning calls using a template-aware attention model, aiming to improve the extraction of key information.